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已有 9 人来访过

  • 积分: 15
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  • 金币: 221
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  • 主题: 4
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  • 公司深圳市和硕国际物流有限公司
  • 职业进出口货运代理
  • 职位SALES
  • 性别
  • 真实姓名Winnie.W
  • 居住地广东省 深圳市 罗湖区 黄贝街道




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岁月_Di500 2019-5-31 09:33
Everybody will go through an extremely difficult period of time, which is full of embarrassments in life, disappointments from work, pressures of schoolwork and constant state of anxiety because of love. 

Getting over it, your life will be suddenly enlightened. But if you can't stick out, time will also teach you how to bury the hatchet with those difficulties. 

So you don't need to be afraid of it.
岁月_Di500 2019-5-28 11:23
People who adhere to reasons will eventually show their ability to the full extent.

People who indulge in emotions will finally drift with the tide.

People who persist in their own opinions will stand still and cease to make progress.

Anyway, we can't have perfection in every respect.
岁月_Di500 2019-5-23 10:57
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
岁月_Di500 2019-5-17 12:15
Nothing is more expensive than things free of charge.
Because things for free will take advantage of our feeling of guilty and gratitude to force us to do many troublesome things.
岁月_Di500 2019-5-16 09:37
I am trying to know him more.
But we are totally from different worlds.
I read books about the country he stays in.
I also try to develop business in his country.
Only for having more topics to talk with him.


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