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Marketing manager 3-5 years of experience in venture capital companies, regardless of gender, bachelor degree or above, age 35-55 Salary: an annual salary of 70,000 euros to 90,000 euros (year-end equity dividends can be obtained based on the annual performance) Company benefits: transportation subsidy + catering subsidy + communication subsidy + year-end bonus + medical subsidy for regular physical examination + insurance + one European trip at public expense every year Job Requirements: 1. Have the ability to independently explore the market and the ability to withstand pressure, and have the industry chain and channel customer resources preferred 2. Economics, finance, law and other related majors, bachelor degree or above 3. Strong affinity, good patient listening and strong understanding ability, meticulous work; able to withstand work pressure, have good psychological quality 4. Possess solid financial professional knowledge, familiar with relevant laws, regulations and policies of the industry, and love the venture capital industry 5. Able to accept and obey the company's leadership arrangements and job transfers 6. Understand the company's commonly used software and platforms, have a certain understanding of the use and operation of the software, and be familiar with the company's main business Lakestar is one of Europe's leading venture capital companies, investing in technology companies led by outstanding entrepreneurs. The team's early investments include Skype, Spotify, Facebook and airbnb. Since raising the first fund in 2013, Lakestar has managed three early funds with a total size of more than 1 billion euros, and recently also managed a growth fund. The company expanded and expanded its investment portfolio and invested in companies such as Opendoor, Oscar, Getyourguide, Glovo, Sendder, Eigen, FiveAI, Revolut, and Hometogo. Lakestar has offices in Berlin, Zurich and London, and then Lakestar will enter Asia As the marketing manager of Lakestar's Italian office, your main task is to report to our chief communications officer, and you will support communications activities by helping to produce and distribute content on social media, newsletters, websites, etc. You will work closely with our international marketing team in Italy. This is a rare opportunity for anyone who wants to explore the European technology ecosystem and state-of-the-art marketing plan with the venture capital department. Lakestar is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. Contact: [email protected]

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